The Debt Counselling process

The debt counselling process in South Africa is a legal process that helps consumers who are over-indebted to get back on their feet financially. The process is overseen by the National Credit Regulator (NCR) and involves a number of steps, including: Debt assessment: The first step is to have a debt assessment conducted by a registered debt counsellor. This will involve providing the debt counsellor with your income, expenses, and debts. The debt counsellor will then use this information to determine if you are over-indebted. Notification of creditors: Once the debt counsellor has determined that you are over-indebted, they will notify your creditors of your application for debt counselling. This will give… Read More

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Debt Counselling to Restructure Debt?

Debt Counselling to Restructure Debt? Debt Counsellor Responds – Yes, debt counselling can restructure debt. In South Africa, debt counselling to restructure debt is a formal legal process that allows a consumer who is over-indebted to negotiate with their creditors to reduce their debt repayments and restructure their debt. This can involve a number of things, such as: Reducing the interest rates on your debt. Extending the repayment period for your debt. Paying a more affordable combined installment for all debt. Consolidating your debt into one monthly payment. So we ask again…Debt Counselling to Restructure Debt? Debt Counsellor Responds: The debt counsellor in George, Control Debt, can restructure debt… Read More

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How to get Free of Debt in South Africa

Here are tips on How to get Free of Debt in South Africa through debt counselling: Create a budget and stick to it. This is the most important step in getting out of debt. Track your income and expenses so you know where your money is going each month. Then, make adjustments to ensure that your spending doesn’t exceed your income. Get debt counselling.  If you’re struggling to make your monthly payments, debt counselling can help. A debt counsellor will negotiate with your creditors on your behalf to get you a more affordable repayment plan.  Consider debt review. If you’re unable to pay off your debt through yourself, you may want to consider… Read More

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Debt advice for Women from a Debt Counsellor in George

Remember, you’re not alone in Debt. Millions of women struggle with debt and are over-indebted. But there is help available from a debt counsellor in George who give debt advice for Women. With hard work and determination, you can get out of debt and achieve your financial goals. Here is some debt advice for women from a Debt Counsellor in George Create a budget and track your spending. This is the first step to getting a handle on your debt. Once you know where your money is going, you can start to make changes. Pay off your high-interest debt first. This will save you money in the long run. Consider restructuring your… Read More

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Debt Counsellors in George – Advice

Debt Counsellors in George – Advice herein for over-indebted consumers: Make a list of all your debts. This includes the amount you owe, the interest rate, and the monthly payment. Contact a registered debt counsellor and let them do a debt assessment here Create a budget with your debt counsellor that is affordable and attainable for you to pay. This will help you track your income and expenses so you can see how much you can afford to repay each month. Cut back on your expenses. This may mean making some lifestyle changes, such as eating out less or canceling unnecessary subscriptions. Let the debt counsellor negotiate with your creditors. The debt counsellors… Read More

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The Debt Review process – Control Debt, Debt Counsellor in George

The Debt Review process  explained by a Debt Counsellor in George. The Debt review process is a legal route that helps consumers who are over-indebted to get back on their feet financially. It is a way to restructure your debt so that you can afford to repay it. You can do a FREE DEBT ASSESSMENT by following this link: The debt review process in South Africa is as follows: You contact a registered debt counsellor and provide them with your financial information. Your pay slip, monthly expenses etc. The debt counsellor assesses your financial situation and determines if you are eligible for debt review. If you are eligible, the debt… Read More

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The Benefits of Debt Counselling

The benefits of debt counselling are listed here: Reduced monthly payments: Debt counsellors can negotiate with your creditors to get lower interest rates and monthly payments, which can make your debt more manageable. Protection from creditors: Once you are in debt counselling, your creditors are legally prohibited from taking any legal action against you, such as garnishing your wages or taking your property. Improved credit score: Once you have successfully completed debt counselling, your credit score will improve. This will make it easier for you to get loans and credit cards in the future. A debt counsellor such as Control Debt in George is a financial professional who helps people who are struggling… Read More

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